Sophisticated, subtle and chic, Haiku is inspired by traditional Japanese screens of the Momoyama period. Spanning from 1573 to 1615, this extraordinary chapter–considered one of the most vibrant in Japanese art history—is characterised by a robust and opulent style.
Created in collaboration with American interior designer Eric Egan, our Haiku wallcovering takes its cues from Sumi-e, the ancient art of Japanese brush painting in which the essence of a subject is expressed in the simplest way possible, every stroke brimming with meaning. The layout has a palpable sense of movement: the trees swaying, the water surging, the cranes poised for flight. And the presence of ancient Chinese motifs—The Three Friends of Winter (pine, bamboo and plum) and The Four Gentlemen (bamboo, plum, orchid and chrysanthemum)—acknowledge China’s profound influence on Japanese art.
Haiku is an exercise in vitality, balance and harmony and is available in two colourways.